Warum funktionieren keine Backslashs im CODE Tag? Hallo Thorsten, ich hätte einen alternativen Lösungsvorschlag mit dem Kommandozeilentool sRecord. Das Tool kann hex Dateien verarbeiten. Mit dem folgenden batch kann man z.B. das hex von der App und dem Boot für einen xmega128 zusammenführen. .\srecord\srec_cat ^ .\app\mainApp.hex -intel -crop 0x00000 0x20000 ^ .\boot\bootApp.hex -intel -crop 0x20000 0x22000 ^ -o .\appWithBoot.hex -intel Laut sRecord Reference manual [http://srecord.sourceforge.net/srecord-1.64.pdf] müsste es auch möglich sein das Boot aus der App zu entfernen. Ich glaub so .\srecord\srec_cat ^ .\app\mainApp.hex -intel -exclude -within .\boot\bootApp.hex ^ -o .\appWithoutBoot.hex -intel Wobei ich dann das machen würde .\srecord\srec_cat ^ .\app\main.hex -intel -crop 0x00000 0x20000 ^ -o .\app\WithoutBoot.hex -intel Hier der Auszug aus dem Reference manual von sRecord Overlaying two data files It is common to want to “join” two hex files together, without any changes of address. on the assumption neither file intersects with the other. This is a simple “layers”, it is quite common for linkers to output the main code, and then a whole bunch of relocation and jump destination, by writing a two layered files. srec_cat one.he two.hex −o three.hex Almost always you see an error srec_cat: two.srec: 49282: contradictory 0x00000000 value (previous = 0x00, this one = 0x80) This means that the files actually intersect, they try to set the same location. You can turn the error into a warning, using the −contradictory-bytes=warning command line option. But this will probably generate a bazillion warnings. The necessary step is to crop the first file, to avoid the regions the second file is going o be overwriting. srec_cat one.srec −exclude −within two.srec two.srec −exclude −within one.srec −o three.hex Depending on your linker this will have no errors (but if it wants another layer, more jiggery-pokery is required).