The module needs 9600 baud, no parity, 8 databits and one stopbit.
I changed the baudrate again. This time I used a baudrate like 9200 and my error code changed from these weird numbers to
! c y
This is almost correct. If the "c" and "y" would be capital letters, then it would work.
So I thought of changing the baudrate to other numbers, but I cannot get rid of the error message.
The module still reads small letters instead of capital letters.
I changed the baudrate again. This time I used a baudrate like 9200 and my error code changed from these weird numbers to
! c y
This is almost correct. If the "c" and "y" would be capital letters, then it would work.
So I thought of changing the baudrate to other numbers, but I cannot get rid of the error message.
The module still reads small letters instead of capital letters.