I think that implementing Wiegand protocol might be the best option. It is less work and much better then implementing reader hardware on your own. With this approach AvrCo users will have access to many Wiegand compatible readers, and we will not be limited to just one type of RFID tags (or ID cards), like 125kHz I already mentioned. Even magnetic cards will be covered. If you need simple ID cards reading, you can buy 10cm range reader. If you need longer range, you will buy more expensive 60cm range reader. If you need to detect some vehicle driver key chain tag, you can buy special reader and active tags (passive are powered by reader emission, active have their own battery). It is just important to buy tags (or ID cards) that are compatible with reader. Browse upper links of HIDcorp and you will find many Wiegand compatible readers.
Everyone with AvrCo and Wiegand driver should be able to buy any Wiegand compatible card reader, connect it to AVR, and get info when some ID card is detected by reader. It is not a must, but it would be ideal if single AVR could talk to at least 2 Wiegand readers (for example, doors usually have access control for both entering and leaving, but sometimes leaving is done with simple switch, then production lines are almost always in pair...).
If I remember well Motorola Indala readers (it should be very similar), communication with reader was 2-way. You get info about ID card detected (usually 26 bits but may be higher), and then you set status leds, make sound, and command relay (this might be reader specific, I really can't remember - it was year 2001).