Thanks for suggestions
I will try to save into buffer.
I already tried similar thing but obviously wrong way.
My code was
procedure EthOut( Letter:char);
writeln(Serout, 'EthOut');
TelnetTXBuffer:= TelnetTXBuffer+Letter;
if Letter = #10 then
TinaSendPacket(sTelnet, @TelnetTXBuffer, Word( Length( TelnetTXBuffer)));
SetLength( TelnetTXBuffer, 0);
TelnetTXBuffer : string[100]
but if I work with TelnetTXBuffer in device procedure, the procedure will be started from
writeln only once and not for every byte (I tested this). If I use only
TinaSendPacket(sTelnet,@Letter, 1);, procedure EthOut is callled for all bytes.
So I will try to build whole string with array.